Privacy & Policy

  • Our principal concern is the responsible use.
  • of information that users and clients share and disclose to us.
  • Our company commitment towards guaranteed confidentiality and privacy at all times is clearly articulated in our Privacy Policy.
  • We will use our best efforts to ensure that the information you submit to us remains private, and is used only for the purpose for which it is submitted.
  • This Policy holds true for a non-customer who has provided information to the Bank by any means, with or without the intentions of establishing a relationship, of whatsoever nature, with the Bank.
  • By divulging any information to us, users agree to the terms and conditions of this Policy.
  • We collect information that users provide voluntarily to us .
  • Except for the purposes and under the circumstances mentioned in this Policy, Our Company does not provide any information of users to a third party without specifically informing the users at the time of collection or without the express consent of users themselves.
  • Our company logs IP addresses, browser type, number of pages viewed etc.
  • in order to provide better service for our users.
  • We use the information to get page view statistics, to analyze trends and better understand the usage of the site, and for system administration purposes.